Learn the ins and outs of Hollywood with industry pros, Rona Edwards and Monika Skerbelis, authors of the critically acclaimed books,*I Liked It, Didn’t Love It: Screenplay Development from the Inside Out, NOW AVAILABLE IN iTS THIRD EDITION, and The Complete Filmmakers Guide to Film Festivals - SOON TO BE IN ITS 2nd EDITION. Stay Tuned! Together, they have over 25 years of experience in the film industry, having worked in development for major studios (Universal, 20th Century Fox, Paramount), production companies (Michael Phillips Productions, John Larroquette’s Port Street Films, Fern Field’s Brookfield Productions), and have had movies produced and/or in development with Warner Bros., VH1, ABC, USA, HBO, Lifetime, CBS, Phoenix and Ed Pressman, to name a few.
Let them help you achieve your goals in the film industry. Their knowledge of feature films, television, film festivals and filmmaking will give you the necessary resources to become successful development executives, producers, writers and filmmakers. |